About us

Part of Nordic Aquafarms
Nordic Aquafarms was established in 2015 with the aim to be a leading player in land-based aquaculture with production close to large markets. Nordic Aquafarms has companies in Norway, Denmark and the US. The company headquarter is in Fredrikstad, Norway.
Production in the Nordic region
Nordic Kingfish has 3 operational sites in the Nordics, with broodstock and a marine hatchery located by the Limfjord (Denmark) and grow-out facilities located in Hanstholm (Denmark) and Fredrikstad (Norway). We produce and sell fish on a weekly basis.
Capacity of 3,000 metric tons and on-site expansion possibilities for further growth
On our locations we have available land to grow our business further, and we have a strategy to utilize these growth-opportunities organically and alongside growing the market for yellowtail kingfish.

ASC Public Information
Our fish are regulary tested for Ectoparasites and no findings have been made. There have not been any incidents of killings of birds or any endangered species of animals on the farm site. You will find updated records here, if an incident should occur. If you want to learn more about ASC and our certification, find more information here.
Norwegian Transparancy act
Fredrikstad Seafoods AS and Nordic Aquafarms Europe AS are working to maintain a sustainable business practice that respects people, society, and the environment. In order to support a sustainable business practice, we wish to co-operate with our suppliers and business partners. Cooperation in the supply chain is a prerequisite for responsible business practice.
We expect our suppliers and subcontractors to work purposefully and systematically to comply with our guidelines for suppliers and include principles for sustainable business practice, which cover fundamental requirements for human rights, labor rights, anti-corruption, animal welfare, and the environment. Our suppliers and subcontractors must:
Follow guidelines for suppliers and principles for sustainable business practices.
Work with risk assessments for negative impacts on people, society, and the environment.
Upon request, document how they themself and any subcontractors work to comply with guidelines.
Show the will and ability to comply with the guidelines. If not, termination of the contract may occur.
Have a system for handling complaints related to human rights, labor rights, the environment, and corruption.
Avoid trading partners that have an operation in countries that have been imposed trade boycotts by the UN and/or the Norwegian government.
Obligation to provide information:
By written request, you and everyone have the right from 1 July 2022 to have information about how we handle actual and potential negative consequences in general and for individual goods or services. You are welcome to reach out and send an e-mail to apenhetsloven@nordicaquafarms.com
As a general rule, we will respond to your request within three weeks of receipt.